Sanitation Services

Sanitation Services

Besides making reliable water MWAUWASA also provides Sanitation services. MWAUWASA wants to improve the sanitation for the people in Mwanza City and conserve the environment

Off-Site sanitation (Sewerage system).

The existing sewerage system (wastewater collection) has a length of 85 km consisting of PVC, concrete and steel (diameters DN 150 to DN 600). It serves the Central Business district and some surrounding areas such as Kirumba, Nyamanoro, Kilimahewa, Pasiansi and Igogo. The sewer network is drained by gravity and pumping. The present number of house connections is 3,500. All wastewater collected by the sewerage system is pumped by a Central pump station via a transmission main (DN 150, DN 400 and DN 800) to the existing, treatment plant located in Butuja Ilemela some 6 km north of the City centre.

Onsite Sanitation.

On-site sanitation systems adopted in urban areas need to address the problems associated with faecal sludge management (FSM), especially in relation to difficulties with emptying, transportation and safe disposal of faecal sludge.

Currently MWAUWASA is operating two suction truck of capacity 6.5m3 and 10m3 that offer services of emptying sludge of septic tanks and cesspits. The liquid waste of the suction trucks is discharged into the special disposal facility (MWAUWASA Waste stabilization pond) located in Butuja- Ilemela.

Suction Truck

The suction trucks hired for liquid waste empting from septic tanks for a fee of 50,000/- (6.5m3) and 70,000/- (10m3), the price for services was observed to be affordable. MWAUWASA cesspit emptier collects an average of 560m3 (6.5m3 – 40 trips and 10m3 -30 trips) of waste water from per month.

Waste water treatment (Sewage Treatment).

Sewage Good sanitation and a good sewerage system are basic human rights and it prevents diseases. MWAUWASA disposes waste water in an environmental friendly manner, we maintain the sewerage system and we make new connections to the sewerage system for our customers.

Poor disposal of wastewater contaminates water sources. That contamination poses a health risk to the people using the water source, that’s why MWAUWASA manages waste water in Mwanza City before disposing in Lake Victoria.